Fare evasion
If you need urgent help now phone: 07951-916784
If you have been charged by a bus company with a fare evasion charge, you need professional advice quickly. Your good name is at risk and you need help to preserve it. We specialise in bus and railway fare evasion defences.
What a conviction will mean to you
Transport companies are taking more fare avoidance cases each year. A successful prosecution not only leads to a fine but also to a criminal record. A conviction will have an impact on applications for future employment, and may also prevent you from visiting certain countries, including Australia and the USA, so it can severely impact both your employment and personal life.
Early action can be the difference between success and failure
To provide you with the best prospects of successfully avoiding a fare evasion prosecution, contact us as soon as possible after the event. We will provide you with a free initial telephone consultation, where we will make an assessment of your defence and advise you of your options. You can then decide whether to protect your name or to accept the criminal conviction. At least you will be armed with all the facts and aware of the consequences.
We can help you across England and Wales
Although we are based in Surrey and Sussex we can accept instructions for any court in England and Wales. We can take full instructions on the telephone if visiting our office would be a problem for you and we have barristers countywide to take a brief for a bus fare evasion hearing in any court at short notice!
Call us on (Redhill) 01737 761004 or (Haywards Heath) 01444 411333 or complete our online enquiry form now for a free no obligation opinion and discussion.